Corporate Turnaround

Corporate turnaround is defined as the implementation of a set of actions required to save an organization from business failure and return it to operational normality and financial solvency. 

Companies that are confronted with a strategic crisis are under a great deal of pressure. If they ignore warning signs like deteriorating profitability or market share, the strategic crisis can turn into a profit crisis, with falling earnings and stagnant or falling sales, forcing them to deplete cash reserves.

Only a business turnaround can keep a company like this from entering the next stage of its decline: a liquidity crisis.

Silver Knight Consulting helps companies orchestrate an effective business turnaround when all signs point to the need for fast, focused action and when companies are grappling with an urgent need to change. We deliver immediate impact to each client’s bottom line, cash flow, and top-line growth— while concentrating on what the client must do to sustain successful long-term change for the future.

How we help

Our work begins with a comprehensive evaluation of our client’s business to gain an objective, fact-based understanding of the reasons for failing performance in the market. 

Once the preliminary analysis is completed, a long-term strategic plan and restructuring plan are designed with the company’s unique challenges in mind. Once approved, our turnaround specialists implement the plan, continually reviewing its progress and making changes as needed to ensure the company returns to its former operations and financial success.