Deal Advisory

Few events unlock as much opportunity to create value as a well-conceived and well-executed transaction. Your M&A strategy should be a logical extension of your core growth strategy – driven by discipline and repeatable model that supports frequent, ever larger deals. 

Silver Knight Consulting works with clients to maximize the success of their M&A activity by bringing unrivaled transaction and integration expertise, deep industry knowledge and a robust global network of strategic partners and key industry players.

Seamless End-to-End Delivery

Challenges can occur at any point in a transaction. From strategy and capital planning all the way through the final steps of integration execution, we help clients spot hurdles early on and identify the best path to shareholder value. 

Translating Strategy into Action

Few companies align their strategy and M&A program sufficiently. We help companies successfully align their strategy and M&A initiatives – translating into clear blueprints for effective deals.

Capturing Insights

We use state-of-the-art tools such as programmatic analytics to help clients refine their deal-making approaches over time to maximize their value creation and create a competitive advantage that is distinctive and repeatable.